How Do You Do?

How Do You Do?


“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.” –Joseph Campbell

I’ve had many jobs doing various kinds of trades, but somehow my career path has taken me down the road of marketing and public relations, more often than not. In fact many of the jobs I’ve had may not have necessarily been in that field, but still wound up involving the same skills. You see, it is rare that I’ll get involved with something and not be passionate about it, so I want you to know about it too. The way that I’ve distinguished myself when it comes to promoting is to think outside the box or, better yet, to realize that there is no box. So I’m usually the guy in meetings who has a puzzled look on his face because he just suggested we market theatre at the monster truck rally and was instantly shot down.

The path of least resistance has always been a bore for me. I guess I figure someone is already doing that, so why bother, or if that market is already interested in our type of product, why am I going to waste time and money telling them about ours? There is no challenge in going up to someone who is already drinking a glass of orange juice and telling him about your brand of orange juice; much more intriguing to go up to the person who claims to hate it and figure out how to get him to drink.

I honestly don’t know the origin of this attitude for me. It can be a bit heartbreaking. I should be clear, though, where that heartbreak occurs — in that shooting down phase I mentioned earlier. There might be disappointment in trying something and seeing it doesn’t get results, but it is never the suffocating, stifling, constricting pain you feel when people immediately dismiss an idea.

I’m telling you all this by way of introduction; trying to convince you that I’m the person for the job, so to speak. The goal of this blog is one that many will refer to as “impossible” or maybe “lofty.” Despite the amount of information I am confronted with to the contrary, I believe it is an objective that can be achieved.

You can’t get more fatheaded than the title: Scottie Saves the World. Let me let you know a couple of things though. I don’t think this blog alone will save our planet, but I do firmly believe it could make an important contribution toward that goal. And, despite top billing in this endeavor, I’m under no delusion that I can save the world alone. It’s going to take all of us.

If you’re with me so far, I think I can brief you on this detail. I would like you to think of Scottie Saves the World as an “active blog.” My intent is not to make it one of those blogs that you read, digest, feel, post to your Facebook, see how many friends comment of press the “like” button, then go on with your day. I mean you will do that (and thanks, in advance), but there will also be many ways of getting actively involved. Some blog posts will involve spraying on some insect repellent and jumping in a canoe, and some can be done without lifting your fingers from the home row of your keyboard. You’ll see what I mean in my next posting, which will follow soon after this one.

Here. Take my hand. I have a feeling we might be embarking on our biggest adventure yet.

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