The Sarasota Gay Men’s Book Club is back after a summer hiatus.
The group of gay and gay-friendly men meets on the last Friday of each month in members’ homes to discuss books. The group’s October 2009 selection is Spider’s House by Paul Bowles.
According to member Jim Hilderbrandt, the club doesn’t only read gay-themed literature, although that is preferred reading. Members vote each year on the next year’s selections.
“Any book can be suggested,” Hilderbrandt says on the group’s web site. “We are looking for books that are well-written, can be purchased easily and inexpensively, and will appeal and lend themselves to a good discussion by gay men.”
Spider’s House is set in 1954 Morocco and explores the experience of an outsider in an alien society—a theme the group expects will fuel the October discussion. After each book is discussed, the group shares food, refreshments and social time.
“Our discussions encourage differences of interpretations and opinions in a way that is respectful to contrary views,” Hilderbrandt said. “This helps to make the discussion lively and interesting, and everyone is encouraged to participate. Many times the insight of others will help you better appreciate the book, and/or discover things in the book you overlooked.”
Members—usually numbering 10 to 12—rate the books read after the discussion with a ‘1’ being ‘dreadful’ and a ‘10’ being ‘outstanding.’
For more information on the Sarasota Gay Men’s Book Club, visit or e-mail