â┚¬Å”We have it in our power to change the world over.â┚¬Â – Thomas Paine
Before we set sail on our Monday Ripples, I wanted to cordially invite you to a Special Leap Year Edition of The Do-Gooder's Coffee Klatch on Wednesday, February 29 at 11:00 AM at the Coffee House @ Downtown Credo, located in College Park. If you're out there doing good, we might be able to help! Just click here to tell us a few things, so we know you're coming.
Now here are four links I hope will inspire you in the week ahead. Click, read, and pass along. Your small act will create a ripple and, who knows, it might wind up a wave on the other end.
Brown is the New Green
If That Toilet Paper Is Brown, It Must Be Green
An interesting read from Utne Reader regarding eco-marketing. It seems like only yesterday that the selling point of green goods was the fact that they are green goods, now it seems companies feel they need to reach out to us subliminally (and maybe they do). Let me know your thoughts on the suggestion at the end of the article.
You Better Walk
Walk while you work? Many employees join healthful trend
For the past year or so, non-traditional work environments have been on my mind. I think it started with articles I read on standing while you do things â┚¬â€œ like work â┚¬â€œ being healthier for you than sitting and, surprisingly, even more so than exercising. I've taken a high table at home and converted into my desk â┚¬â€œ I'm standing while I write this. Greg Dawson's article shows how some workplaces are taking things a step further â┚¬â€œ exercise while you work.
Getting Rid of Ten Pounds
I am going to donate Ԛ£10 a month to a charity. Which Charity should it be?
I'm kind of a geek for social media. I'm constantly amazed at the things I've discovered through someone's random tweet. So I was a little surprised when, in discussion, someone lumped in Quora with all the big social media players and I had never heard of it. I'm still not completely sure what to think, but I didn't like this discussion I found and it may be a good example of what Quora is all about. A person is donating Ԛ£10 a month to charity asking the community (world-wide, at that) for suggestions.
Making the Flintstones Proud
Dutch Kids Pedal Their Own Bus To School
This is worth a click just to see the adorable picture! How much can you say about this idea? There's exercise involved, a positive environmental impact, and a teambuilding spirit. With this vehicle, you also have a bike big enough to get motorists to take notice. My thoughts turn to seeing kids from schools in downtown Orlando walking from place to place holding onto a rope to keep everyone together. I hope De Café Racer sells the idea so it can be mass produced and we'll see it everywhere.