Boca Raton school board cancels anti-gay speaker

Boca Raton school board cancels anti-gay speaker

The Boca Raton School Board let preacher Bradlee Dean know he’s not welcome to speak on their campuses in February. According to a report by Talking Points Memo, the principal of the school had concerns over Dean’s history of anti-gay messages.

Dean had been originally invited by a school group, but principal said he hadn’t approved any such visit.

The outspoken, conservative pastor made headlines in 2012 when he showed pictures of aborted fetuses and promoted anti-gay messages at an Iowa school. He also filed a lawsuit against MNSBC host Rachel Maddow after she reported on comments he made regarding Muslims, whom he described as more religious than American Christians since they were “calling for the execution for homosexuals.” The suit was dismissed and the court ordered Dean to pay Maddow’s legal bills over the lawsuit.

Concerning his dis-invitation to speak at Boca Raton’s schools, Dean’s lawyer, Horatio Mihet of the Liberty Council, says his client’s first amendment rights have been denied.

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