Watermark readers around the world had a lot of feels when it came to our groundbreaking, exclusive interview with gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.
Here’s a roundup of reader responses.
“Happy New Year Governor Crist! The people love you too! Who wouldn’t after reading a heart-felt, honest, interview like that?God is blessing you; it’s so obvious. Best Wishes Sir!” — Mary Niemeyer
“It would be amusing, how often Charlie Crist has flip-flopped, but it’s not so amusing when he actually has the gall to run another campaign with more promises as if no one ever saw him change his mind a million times before. This man is either the epitome of fickle or he has never uttered a sentence he actually meant.” — Joi4Liberty
“Charlie’s the consummate slick career politician – a weather-vane politician that will flip on issues and even parties if the opportunity presents itself. Those that herald him now because of a ‘D’ next to his name used to slam him when he had that ‘R’ label.” — Ronald Rollins
“Charlie is one true human being! Some call him an opportunist. I had the opportunity years ago and left the GOP (Greedy Old People) and so yes Charlie had the opportunity and left that party that cares nothing about humanity – just the party. All one has to do is look around this country to see that “WE THE PEOPLE” are finally standing up to those whose interest are power and $$$. Charlie is going to take his chair back and we the people will finally see our great state move ahead again for all the people.” — Michael Clark Burton
“Good interview, Tom, and thanks for asking the hard questions. As Sonny always says, judge someone by their actions, not their words. His “Im sorry” is NOT good enough!! Because of his actions as Governor, LGBT citizens in FL are denied the right to have their marriages from other states recognized here. We are denied the right to marry here, in our own state, where we are taxpaying citizens. This ban we all now have to live with continues to hurt many people I care about and who knows how long we will have to live with it. I truly believe Crist could care less about the LGBT community. He is only pandering because he can’t win a Democratic primary without publicly supporting us. While Charlie Crist, as of now, is the likely Dem nominee for Governor, I sure hope Nan Rich, or Bill Nelson, or whomever, can gain some traction. I will never vote for him, and, if push comes to shove, i’ll write in another candidate. Once again, Floridians seems to be on the cusp of losing. ;(” — Shane Pagano
“I wonder how much Charlie Christ’s personal life has changed. His wife is living where, now? Will Scott dig deep and play dirty in the campaign? Is Christ sure he can handle his secret exposed? I wish him luck.” — Dana McElvy
“I am amused at the organized effort that tries to give the impression of a groundswell of support for a candidate who at best would get 2 % of the vote. Its a free country and you are more than welcome to throw your vote away. Very reminiscent of 2000 election when loser Ralph Nader took a few thousand progressive votes away from Al Gore and as a result, we had 8 years of George W. Bush. Please realize that posting a handful of support for Wylie Coyote will have absolutely no effect in the election. And yes, I am strongluy supporting Charlie.” — Randy Stephens (executive director of The GLBT Center of Central Florida.)
“Great interview, Tom! I love a man who can admit he was wrong. I believe Charlie when he says he ran as a Republican because he was raised as a Republican, apparently by some old school Republicans who were good people and valued family and community. This explains a lot about why he has done what he has done to try to fit into that mold. I always respected him as a governor, especially when he went against his party to veto the attack on public school teachers and to expand voting access by allowing former felons to automatically recover their voting rights after a number of years. I was SO disappointed when he supported the anti-gay amendment.
What more could he do than to admit fault, ask for forgiveness, and – most importantly – change his ways? Those are the three elements of the sincere apology. Nan Rich is a fine woman, and I would love to help elect her to statewide office one day. If she had a chance of beating Rick Scott, I’d have a tough decision to make in the primary. As it stands, however, I’m Team Charlie!” — 10_39
Comments posted to Watermark’s Facebook page:
“I admire his courage to engage with LGBTQ+ media in spite of his past policies on equality. There is always room for forgiveness and growth. But…I’m still confused about the 2009 documentary Outrage and whether Christ is or isn’t in the closet.” — David Thomas Moran
“I don’t know how anyone can take this guy seriously. Changes his opinions with the wind.” — Samatha Beehner
“I would take his apology more seriously if he were wearing a corset and heels.” — Michael Salgat
“I’d rather vote for Crist than Scott.” — Jim Langford
“If he would have beat Rubio in the primaries he would still be a republican. If you believe otherwise, you are kidding yourself.” — Kenny Southwell
“Great interview! I can’t wait to call you my governor again!” — Greta Robertson
“Boo hiss at Charlie Crist. He flip-flops too much.” — Adam Proctor
“I’m sorry, now vote for me?” — Danny Garcia
“Yup, he wants that gay vote, but if it comes down to him or creepy Scotty then it’s Charlie all da way.” — Lyn Med
Comments posted elsewhere on Facebook:
“”He has adopted a platform in support of LGBT rights that specifically includes marriage and a statewide non-discrimination law. In his final days as Governor he took action that helped hasten the day that the anti-gay adoption banned was no longer enforced. He issued a platform as an Independent Senate Candidate that was pro-LGBT on all matters except marriage. He is not currently elected so his words are his deeds. Believe him or don’t but I’m glad to see someone who has done harm publicly pledge to work to repair the damage. My activism is based on the premise that people can and do change. I’m particularly proud of Tom Dyer for pulling no punches and really zeroing in on the issues. He asked the questions that needed to be asked and we deserved to have publicly answered. I can’t recall the last time I’ve heard a politician say “I was wrong. I am sorry.” Strong interview and kudos to Watermark for excellent journalism.” — Nadine Smith (Director of Equality Florida)
“I told him that there is a constitutional amendment that a bill would not overturn. He will have to put a ballot issue out there to repeal it. He did ask me to file a marriage bill and I did say I will have a hard time even going as far as I can with DP registry and JOe’s equality workforce bill. The legislative group we are working with feel like we are after marriage equality and I think that is why they are holding out on allowing bills moving forward. He could do much more in helping me to move this bill forward and commit to overturning the marriage between man and woman amendment. He just has to think about what he can do right now and not just say he is for something.” — Linda Steward (state representative)
“Great interview, Tom. You have a real knack for this; gracious tenacity, I think I’ll call it. I can almost hear you ask the questions.” — Bill Robinson
“I am so proud of Tom Dyer for this insightful and thorough interview. I cannot say yet that I am convinced by the former governor’s broad based support of LGBT issues, but I greatly appreciate the journalistic talent of Tom Dyer in providing us with this interview.” — Lloyd Bowers
Twitter responses:
“Just read the shout out from @CharlieCristFL in this issue of @WatermarkOnline Thank u for the very kind words gov. #victory2014” — @RepJoeSaunders (State Representative Joe Saunders)
“@RepJoeSaunders @WatermarkOnline Well deserved. Thank you!” — @CharlieCristFL (Former governor Charlie Crist)
“@Blabbeando @CharlieCristFL @WatermarkOnline Here’s a guy hustling for every single vote.” — @yoruba69
“@CharlieCristFL Still waiting to see mention of #LGBT equality at http://www.charliecrist.com/Â … CC @Blabbeando @WatermarkOnline” — @DavidBenAmber
“@Blabbeando at least a step in the right direction. Rick Scott has GOT to go.” — @mcdirk
“@WatermarkOnline @KevinCate shorter version-couldn’t win as a R, couldn’t win a NPA-he just wants to win! if demos change in 2016..tbd?” — @Pcola_EddieT
Emailed responses:
“I wanted to congratulate you on an enthralling interview and dialogue with Governor Crist. I really liked that you didn’t let him get off easy on the Amendment 2 issue. To me, and to a lot of Floridians, “sorry” is just not good enough, and I hope he gets it. I don’t think he does yet.” — Mike Halterman (Editor of Hotspots Magazine)