Pembroke Pines – The City of Pembroke Pines is moving toward providing domestic partner benefits to city employees.
On April 16, the City Commission unanimously approved an agenda item that would allow for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance extending employee benefits to qualifying domestic partners, the same way they’re extended to spouses of married employees.
Commissioner Iris Siple, who introduced the item, said she was really astonished the City did not have something in place for domestic partners already and hopes the ordinance will be seen through to provide fair benefits for all.
“I think it means we are truly an inclusive city,” Siple said. “It means we understand our employees and want to take care of them like they take care of the City. And it’s just the right thing to do. Fair is fair.”
A number of state legislators attended the meeting, including Rep. Joe Gibbons, Rep. Elaine Schwartz and Broward County Clerk of Courts Howard Forman.
On January 27, the Commission held a workshop to discuss domestic partnership benefits for City employees. The commission item was then introduced April 7, when it made the agenda for the April 16 meeting.
After the City Attorney completes the draft with the actual language for the ordinance, it will be brought to the public for two readings.