SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Police are investigating the stabbing of three Sacramento musicians as a hate crime.
Timothy Brownell, 25, is accused of attacking the three men June 21 as they left a downtown bar. The musicians say Brownell used gay slurs during the attack.
Brownell was originally arrested a few hours after the assault at his home, where police say they found a gun. Brownell was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and illegal possession of a firearm, and then released on bail.
Police issued an arrest warrant after two of the musicians posted accounts of the incident on social media that included allegations about the gay slurs. Brownell turned himself in to police June 23. He was jailed with bail set at $1 million and was scheduled for a court appearance June 25.
It was unclear if Brownell was represented by an attorney who could be reached for comment.
The musicians have said the attack occurred after Brownell ridiculed them for wearing “skinny jeans” and then used gay slurs as the altercation became physical.
All three men are expected to survive their wounds.
A benefit show is being held by local musicians June 27 to raise money for the victims’ medical expenses.