Cher reflects on the first time she met gay men

Cher recalled the first time she met gay men in an interview with GLAAD in promotion of the film ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.”

The music legend is asked why gay men love the music of ABBA so much. Cher laughs and prefaces with “Alright, you may not like this, but …”

“The first gay men I met, I was 12 years old, and I came home from school and there were these two guys in our living room. And they were talking to my mom and her best friend. And I was … they were so happy and excited about everything they were talking about, so animated. And I thought, ‘These guys are much more fun than the regular men that come over to visit.’ And I didn’t know that they were gay, but I just thought, ‘These guys are great,’ and it just started from them,” Cher says.

Cher, who portrays Rudy Sheridan (the mother of Meryl Streep’s Donna), also explained why she picked actor Andy Garcia to play Fernando.

“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” is currently in theaters.

Watch below.

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