ST. PETERSBURG | Allendale United Methodist Church (UMC) shared Sept. 24 that the LGBTQ-affirming church had been vandalized.
“Allendale was again the target of vandalism,” UMC shared via social media. “LGBTQ people are more likely to be targets of hate crimes than any other minority group. We will leave the spray paint up, surrounded by signs of love, to make visible the often invisible harm that the LGBTQ community receives every day.”
The church’s marquee was spray painted to read “gay pastor” atop its message that “1.4 million can’t vote due to a prior felony.” Its message encouraged locals to vote yes on Amendment 4, which if passed in November will restore voting rights to those convicted of a felony statewide.
“We are also taking this opportunity to tell the vandalizer that should they be arrested, we will fight for the restoration of their rights through the passage of Amendment 4,” UMC also shared. The sign was updated to advise that “Vandalism is a felony that shouldn’t take away your vote for life! Vote yes on Amendment 4.” Rainbow-colored hearts and “Love Always Wins!” were also added.
UMC previously reported in July that a brick was thrown through the sign. Their social media post documenting the more recent incident can be seen below:
Rev. Andy Oliver, the church’s senior pastor, also addressed the vandalism via social media.
“Sunday’s scripture, re-imagined…,” he wrote. “‘Jesus welcomed [LGBTQ persons] whom he placed among them. Taking [them] in his arms, he said to the disciples, ‘Whoever welcomes these [persons] in my name, welcomes me.’”
According to the church’s website, UMC is a reconciling congregation and affirms the sacred worth of all people.
“All are welcome to participate fully in the life and ministries of this congregation,” it reads. “Whatever your race, ethnicity, economic situation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, background or belief, age or condition of ableness, whether single or partnered, you are God’s beloved and are welcome here.”