Tampa Bay performers announce unofficial, digital Tampa Pride weekend

ABOVE: (L-R) Francis Queerbot 9000, Mr. Tampa Pride 2020 Kirk DaVinci and Juno Vibranz, photos via Kirk DaVinci/Tampa Pride.

TAMPA | Tampa Pride 2020 entertainers have planned a weekend of digital performances March 27-29 following the event’s postponement.

The sixth annual gathering was originally scheduled for the same weekend. It was moved to May 30 in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  

The unofficial, digital Tampa Pride was spearheaded by Central Florida and Tampa Bay entertainer Kirk DaVinci, Mr. Tampa Pride 2020. The performer announced the weekend of online performances March 26.

“I have come up with an amazing idea and would love everyone’s support with this!” DaVinci shared via social media. “As you all know, Tampa Pride was supposed to be this weekend, but had to be rescheduled due to COVID-19. During this time, we have to come together!

“Myself along with some amazing entertainers are here to remind everyone that we will not let this stop us from entertaining the masses and putting on an amazing show,” he continued. “I’m well aware that we cannot gather in groups at this time, but digital technology is so prevalent right now. We will have a Tampa Pride Digital Weekend!!!”

Fellow fan favorite entertainers will perform through their personal Facebook accounts, streaming live and accepting tips via their digital payment systems of choice. Popular options include Cash App, Venmo and PayPal.

Performances begin at 9 p.m. on Friday, March 27, with a Late Night Online Party. Entertainers include Freya Rose Young, Solaris, Dashia Moon, Tony Tesla, DaVinci and Mr. Vyn Suazion.

An Online Dinner Party will follow beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 28. Performances include Mr. Vyn Suazion, LaDiamond Haze, Lilith Black, DaVinci, Rockell Blu, Alyssa, Britt Brett, Juno Vibranz and Tekiah Malik.

The weekend will close with an online brunch beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 29. DaVinci will kick things off, followed by Mayven Missbehavin, Athena, Isabella Scene Cavalier, Russell Mania, Larmani Larmani, Daffodyl Haze, Quinones Jr. Izzi, Holly Louya and Francis Queerbot 9000.

Additional performers are expected and welcome, DaVinci says, noting he can be reached via social media. More information and the regularly updated schedule can be accessed below:

“I would like to thank Kirk DaVinci, Mr. Tampa Pride, for organizing this and trying to shine some light during this dark period of history,” Tampa Pride Entertainment Committee Chair John Chambrone says. “As they say, the show must go on!

“Many of these performers are out of work due to the corona pandemic and will be accepting tips so if you can afford to do so, every dollar will help put food on their tables,” he continues. “We hope to be back May 30 bigger and stronger than ever! We will get through this! Much love to you all.”

Tampa Pride 2020 is currently scheduled for May 30. For more information, visit TampPride.org. For the latest updates about COVID-19 and its impact on the LGBTQ communities in Tampa Bay and Central Florida, view Watermark’s frequently updated coverage here.

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