Enzian Theater’s streaming service features gay director’s film

ABOVE: Enzian Theater. (Photo courtesy Enzian’s website.)

French director Christophe Honore’s film “On a Magical Night” is currently featured as a part of  Enzian Theater’s streaming service.

“On a Magical Night” follows the story of Maria, a married woman who spends the night in a hotel room after getting into an argument with her husband. While in the hotel room, she gains a “bird’s eye view of her apartment, her husband and her marriage,” prompting her to reflect on her past and the various ways her life could have turned out.

Honore is openly gay and some of his past films – “Girls Can’t Swim” and “Seventeen Times Cecile Cassard” – have explored the portrayal of LGBTQ sexuality.

Enzian on Demand is a streaming service created by Enzian Theater’s partnership with various film distributors to bring “great indie films on-demand” to viewers at home. A portion of each purchase goes directly back to supporting Enzian Theater.

To view a film using Enzian on Demand, customers can visit Enzian Theater’s official website, click on any of the films available for streaming and then follow the appropriate link. Customers will then be asked to pay a $12 fee to the service provider giving access to the film. After this, customers can stream the film from any of their internet-connected devices, including laptops, tablets and smartphones.

“On a Magical Night” will be available for streaming through Enzian on Demand until this Thursday, May 28. Other titles including “Military Wives,” “The Painter and the Thief,” “Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy,” “The Ghost of Peter Sellers” and “Lucky Grandma!” are available through June 4. Watch the trailer below, via Strand Releasing:

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