Leigh Shannon is ready to be Orlando City Commissioner for District 3

(Photo courtesy Leigh Shannon)

ORLANDO | Owner of Orlando’s Ritzy Rags Wigs & More, Martin Fugate — better known to most as Central Florida drag entertainer Leigh Shannon — is officially running for Orlando City Commissioner – District 3.

Fugate made his initial intentions known with a post on his Facebook page June 7. It read, “Are You Ready for Some New Shoes? Leigh Shannon for District 3 Commissioner,” along with the message “KICK OFF Coming.”

Shannon, who has lived in College Park with his husband for 15 years, moved his wig business to the neighborhood after more than 30 years in the Mill50 District. Now he says he is ready to work on improving District 3 not only for his business but for all the residents and business owners in the district.

“I’m already in public service,” Fugate says. “That’s just what I do. Everything is about the people. Here at my business, I listen to my customers and make decisions based on what they want and need. In my shows, I adjust as I perform based on the reactions from my audiences. I think if you do the same as a commissioner and you do your best to hear them and do as much as you can to help them, then you will succeed, and I truly believe I’m the best man for this job.”

Fugate says he is embracing all aspects of his life as he runs to become city commissioner, even fighting to have his name appear as Martin “Leigh Shannon” Fugate on the ballot.

“Leigh Shannon, Marty Fugate, I’m all the same person,” he says. “I’m the drag performer, the actor, the business owner, I’m all of that and if I get elected then the voters are going to get all of me.”

Fugate has several key issues he is passionate about that he says he will be talking about in detail leading up to election day. They include proposing a local freeze on property taxes due to the COVID-19 crisis for up to three years, providing proper docking stations for public bikes and scooters, and limiting the tearing down of homes by developing a program that would offer property tax incentives for home improvements to a home’s facade.

“I’ve always been intrigued by old houses and neighborhoods,” he says. “What they look like if you tear them down. What goes up in their place. I grew up in a suburban subdivision so living in these communities, I believe these places have to be protected.”

Fugate says he feels that the district is being invaded by “super developers,” setting his focus on the Rosemont Development Plan.

“It’s just too massive,” he says. “They’re putting in an eight-story building which will bring thousands of apartments. The roads won’t be able to handle all that extra traffic, where is all that sewage going to go? They aren’t listening to the residents, many of them don’t want this massive building in their neighborhood.”

Robert Stuart, District 3’s current commissioner, has represented the district since 2006, which Fugate says is long enough.

“Mr. Stuart is an okay guy. I’ve talked to him many times on the phone. I’ve given him suggestions of what I feel would help the residents of this district, given my opinions. We differ on a lot of things. He’s an okay guy but he’s been in there a lot of terms and I think it’s time for him to go,” Fugate says. “You have to hear the people and if you do not, if you ignore them, if you play games with them, they’ll know and they’ll replace you.”

Shannon launched his run with a kickoff social at The Original Anthony’s Pizzeria in College Park.

“I wanted to have a launch that is a little different,” Shannon said in front of supporters Aug. 4. “I’m a show person, an actor, a comic and a business man, and these are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever performed in.”

Shannon spoke to the crowd about what he thinks are key issues within the district including pedestrian safety, property incentives and empowering women in leadership roles. He also spoke about the Rosemont Development deal, something Shannon has spoken about in detail over the last couple of months.

Shannon told supporters he will bring transparency and open communication to the office if elected.

After speaking to the crowd, Shannon introduced Elvis and Tina Turner impersonators who entertained the crowd.

For more information on Fugate’s campaign, go to ElectLeighShannon.com.

This story has been updated since its original publication.

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