Want to help out your LGBTQ+ community and get the chance to win a $100 e-card prize? Of course you do! All you have to do is take part in the 17th annual LGBTQ Community Survey.
Participation in this survey gives important feedback to our LGBTQ+ community media and organizations, and provides valid data to companies interested in serving our community, sponsoring our charities and supporting their LGBTQ employees. Previous surveys have had more than 45,000 respondents from 150 countries!
Click here to start the survey, or paste the following into your browser:
Everyone who completes the survey by May 31, 2023 may enter into a drawing to win one of twenty US $100 gift e-card prizes, or if you win, you may donate your prize to an LGBTQ+ charity of your choice.
Please forward this message to LGBTQ+ friends around the world who may be interested in participating. And please share it on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and any other social media platform you use!
Thanks very much for your participation.