June passes with no Pride Month recognition from White House

Pride Month came and went, and Donald Trump stayed silent for his second June in office.

While this did not come as a surprise to many LGBTQ leaders, it adds to the frustration the community has felt toward a President who has failed to acknowledge LGBTQ people since taking office even after making promises to stand for the community during his campaign.

The only mentions of Pride month to come from the Trump family were from President Trump’s daughters — Ivanka on Twitter in 2017 and Tiffany on Instagram this year.

“Logging back on after Shavuot, wishing everyone a joyful #Pride2017. This month we celebrate and honor the #LGBTQ community,” Ivanka Trump tweeted June 1, 2017. She followed up with a second tweet, reading “I am proud to support my LGBTQ friends and the LGBTQ Americans who have made immense contributions to our society and economy.”

Tiffany Trump’s acknowledgement came courtesy of Instagram photos posted by her friends while celebrating Pride in New York City this past month.




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