Trot for Trans Lives set to wrap up in Orlando

(Photo by Julie Hotz)

ORLANDO | Transgender ultramarathoner Cal Dobbs is set to finish his 2,700-mile TRANScontinential Run from California to Florida with a 5k run in Orlando on July 29.

Trot for Trans Lives- The Finish Line is being hosted in partnership with The Pride Cup and the National Center for Transgender Equality. The run will be held at Luminary Green Park starting at 8 a.m.

Proceeds from the run will go to Divas in Dialogue, Queer Trans Project, Southern Legal Counsel, Contigo Fund, SPEKTRUM and Color Me Queer — all Florida-based, trans-focused groups.

Dobbs started his journey across the country March 4. He says that the purpose of the run is to fight for inclusion of trans people in sports and access to gender-affirming health care. The route has taken Dobbs through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Some of these states were among the mass that has proposed and passed anti-trans legislation.

“When I had the dream to do this run, I had no idea that I would do it during the year of the most anti-trans legislation and rhetoric that we have ever seen in the history of our country,” Dobbs says. “Even though it seems like the worst time to be a trans person running across America for trans rights, it also feels like the best time. I can use this run as a platform to uplift the voices of trans people that are being silenced, to bring love and support, and to also honor a childhood dream for me now being my most authentic self as a trans person.”

He says that each Trot for Trans Lives run they have done along the way has been bigger than the previous one showing people really care about the trans community and the run is a simple way to show up in support.

“I think it really reflects a deep desire that most people have to do something to support the trans community. We are the hottest topic; everyone is talking about trans people but nobody is talking to trans people. I think it can make people feel really helpless when they see a community under attack and they don’t know what they can do. This run provides people a place where they can take real action that’s going to have a positive impact on the people that need it most. It’s not just about raising money, it’s about building community,” Dobbs says.

In a time where the news is so discouraging to LGBTQ+ people, Dobbs wants to remind others that they aren’t alone. He says that while there is so much hatred towards the trans community, the antidote is love and connection and that’s what he hopes the run provides.

Devon Ojeda, Senior National Organizer for the National Center for Transgender Equality, says the event is more important now than ever, adding that the center’s purpose is to build connections and uplift trans voices in the community who are working to build awareness and fight in solidarity, so their connection with Dobbs was a perfect one.

“The government shouldn’t go against a specific community of people who just want to live and thrive and have access to healthcare services,” Ojeda says. “We have to show up for our community and understand that not everyone can leave the state, not everybody has the access to get the care they need because of the tremendous barriers being put up.”

Devon Ojeda. (Photo courtesy National Center for Transgender Equality)

Ojeda says that the new legislation harms the trans community but argues that the legislation actually hurts everyone.

“It breaks my heart what’s happening in Florida,” Ojeda says, “as a trans queer kid who was very much closeted growing up in Florida. Our biggest message is that trans people belong everywhere, including the state of Florida.”

There will also be a trans athletes panel entitled “Trans Joy: The Heart of the Game” held at Live Oak Ballroom at UCF on July 28 at 6 p.m.

“Queer joy and trans joy is rebellion, it is resistance. If you care about the LGBTQ+ community this is a really easy way to show up,” Dobbs says.

Those who wish to participate in the 5k either in-person or virtually can sign up here.

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