Storms cancel AIDS Walk, donations still pour in

Storms cancel AIDS Walk, donations still pour in

As volunteers watched buckets of rain fall in the early morning hours of Sept. 12, they knew they had to make a tough decision. AIDS Walk St. Petersburg 2009 had to be cancelled.

“This event was supposed to be rain or shine, but we had to look at the logistics,” said Anthony Barros, AIDS Walk coordinator. “We had a couple of inches of rain fall in a matter of hours and it flooded the park. It’s one thing to have people walk in a shower and get wet, but it’s another thing to have people walking through inches of water while it’s lightning.”

Despite the cancellation, donations still rolled in for the walk, which benefits AIDS Service of Pinellas. Nearly $70,000 in donations was given to the charity the morning of the event when 200 participants showed up in the rain with checks in hand.

“We had a tremendous positive response to the cancellation,” Barros said. “We were all disappointed of course, but it was heartwarming to have so many people donate.”

Rock Stars, a team of individuals who were not affiliated with any organization, raised the most money this year with an impressive $4,500. But the walk is about more than money, and Barros hopes to have a post-walk party in the coming months.

“We’ve found that people have a need to be a part of something bigger, to share their stories,” Barros said. “And it’s about education and getting the word out through those personal stories, so we want to provide that opportunity here at Suncoast Hospice.”

Donations can still be sent to ASAP online at or by sending donations to ASAP, c/o Anthony Barros, 3050 First Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33712.

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