For 18 months the Church of the Trinity Metropolitan Community Church has been led under the direction of Rev. Lisa Heiling. Now it’s time to focus on a permanent, senior pastor for the long-standing church.
Heiling is an interim pastor at Trinity MCC, which means, according to MCC rules, she cannot take the full time, permanent position at the church. Heiling began working at the church after the Rev. Mona West left in July 2008 when she and her partner moved to Texas.
On Saturday, Dec. 12, the Church of the Trinity will host a Pastoral Transition Process workshop, led by the Rev. Elder Don Eastman, former Vice Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches and founder of the denomination’s Strategic Growth Initiative. Eastman has worked as a church development consultant with a large number of MCC churches around the country.
According to a news release, the workshop will feature several focus group discussions to help engage and inform the Pastoral Search Committee in the selection of the best possible candidate to go before the congregation in an election. All congregants of the church are invited to attend, regardless of their membership status with the church. Those wanting to participate in the workshops, however, must sign up.
Three hour-long discussions are scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12: 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m.
For more information on Trinity MCC or on the Pastoral Search Committee, visit or call 941-355-0847.