Lucas Brooks is back at Fringe after a successful run last year in “VGL 5’4″ Top,” with his new show “Cootie Catcher.”
For those who don’t remember their childhood, a cootie catcher is an origami fortune teller puzzle wherein colors and numbers determine your fate. They are also known as a chatterbox, salt cellar or whirlybird.
Brooks uses the cootie catcher to have the audience determine the road they will travel in learning about his sexual adventures and the near misses of STD’s he experienced.
“Pick a color,” he said. “Pick a number.”
Brooks then relives not just the fun sexual parts of his life, but also the fear and confusion you experience when you visit a doctor because of brushes with HIV, herpes and other infections.
Brooks tells his tale with wit, humor and a raised eyebrow that would challenge The Rock in facial hair supremacy. He springs about the stage taking momentary breaks to shake, shake, shake his booty. With moves like that he had to have been a go-go boy at some point.
The stories are not only funny but sobering as they hit close to home in an age where people are having sex more frequently and at earlier ages. Brooks stresses the importance of safety first and not being ashamed of loving sex and for the love of God stay away from WebMD.
“Cootie Catcher” is playing at the Red Venue at the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre.