Malcolm Kenyatta declares candidacy to become first out U.S. Black senator

ABOVE: Malcolm Kenyatta, photo via Kenyetta’s Facebook page.

Pennsylvania State Rep. Malcolm Kenyetta announced on Tuesday evening his candidacy to run for U.S. Senate, setting himself out on a path that, if elected, would make him the first openly gay Black senator.

Kenyetta announced his candidacy on MSNBC with host Joy Reid, which was followed immediately by an email blast from the LGBTQ Victory Fund.

“He is running for the U.S. Senate being vacated by Sen. Patrick Toomey — one of four anti-equality U.S. Senators that have announced they won’t be running in 2022,” the Victory Fund email blast says.

Kenyetta was an early backer of President Biden in the crowded field of candidates during the Democratic primary.

Also in the mix for the Democratic nominations is Lt. Gov. David Fetterman, who’d be Kenyetta’s top candidate to beat in the primary.

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