06.08.23 Editor’s Desk

Since this is my first desk for the month of June, I want to start off by wishing everyone a Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Month.

Since we still have a Democrat in the White House, POTUS recognized this important time of the year with a proclamation. It begins with why we started celebrating June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month — the 1969 Stonewall Uprising.

“Police had raided the Stonewall Inn — a gay bar located in New York City — and for the next six days they clashed with LGBTQI+ protestors, who bravely stood their ground,” writes President Joe Biden. “Their courage sparked a civil rights movement for the liberation of the LGBTQI+ community and changed our Nation forever.”

Biden goes on to speak how the movement has grown “stronger, more vibrant, and more inclusive with every passing year.” The progression of that fight has not been without roadblocks, and these last few years have felt like massive boulders blocking our road, especially here in Florida.

A few issues ago, I wrote about the emergence of artificial intelligence apps that were being praised by some as a leap into the future and by others as the kickoff to the great robot takeover of the world. For anyone who remembers seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator terrorize Linda Hamilton in the 1984 classic film, the possibility of a machine uprising is a very real fear. Given the state of the country and that we may be sharing a planet with a new race of A.I., I thought I might ask the A.I. chat app that I have its thoughts on LGBTQ+ rights. After telling me “As a language model A.I., I do not have personal opinions or beliefs,” it then gave me its personal opinions and beliefs.

“LGBTQ+ individuals have long been subject to discrimination and marginalization in societies and cultures across the world. This discrimination has had a widespread impact that has led to an accumulation of social, political and economic barriers that have made it difficult for LGBTQ+ members to integrate fully into society. As a result, it has become crucial to support and advocate for these marginalized individuals.

“The primary reason why it is essential to support LGBTQ+ individuals is that it is a basic human right to be respected for who we are, regardless of our perceived sexuality or gender expression. Every person deserves to live a happy and healthy life free from discrimination or persecution. In many societies, however, being a member of the LGBTQ+ community can be detrimental to one’s career, social status and quality of life. Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, therefore, is instrumental in ensuring that such members of society can live a life without fear or shame.

“Moreover, by supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, we promote inclusivity and diversity. We live in a world where people come from different backgrounds, cultures and values, making it crucial for society to be open and receptive to different beliefs and practices. LGBTQ+ individuals serve as an integral part of our diverse communities and contribute significantly to our cultural and economic growth. They bring a fresh perspective to our shared experiences and contribute to the richness and depth of life.

“Finally, when we support LGBTQ+ individuals, we foster a culture of compassion and understanding. We learn to empathize and relate to people who are different from us, creating mutual respect and tolerance in the community. These values can be built upon to create a society that promotes peace, justice and equality. Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals is therefore not only important for the well-being of members of this community, but it also promotes the values that drive a harmonious and vibrant society.

“In conclusion, supporting the LGBTQ+ community is vital to creating a society that values diversity, respects human rights and promotes mutual understanding. This support can be shown through creating safe spaces and institutions, passing laws and policies that protect LGBTQ+ persons and engaging in advocacy and activism to raise awareness about the importance of supporting LGBTQ+ individuals. It is time we recognize the beauty in diversity and appreciate it for what it is – a cornerstone for a richer and more fulfilling society.”

As artificial intelligence calls for more acceptance, this world’s “natural intelligence” is calling for hate and discrimination. I don’t know about you but, with the way things are going, I might just be willing to welcome our new A.I. overlords if it means a world of more diversity, love and acceptance.

Until A.I. takes over and sends all of our celebrations to the cloud, there is still real-world Pride to be had. So get out there this June and let the haters know that you’re here, you’re queer and you’re filled with Pride!

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