St Pete Pride’s 2023 Stonewall Reception. Photo by Ryan Williams-Jent.
ST. PETERSBURG | St Pete Pride’s Stonewall Reception returned June 22 at The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art, once again kicking off the celebration’s signature weekend of events.
St Pete Pride Co-Vice President Stephanie Morge and Board Member Dr. Kyle Williams guided attendees through the evening, reflecting on the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement and more. Flanked by local entertainment, speakers included local activist Angelique Young as well as St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch.
“I’m honored to stand with you tonight as we enjoy this Stonewall Reception and come together to celebrate Pride in St. Pete,” the mayor addressed attendees. He subsequently decried mounting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the country and in Florida.
“Despite all the craziness around us, that’s why this Pride is so important this year,” he said. “For every member of the LGBTQ+ community, for every queer or questioning young person, for every trans individual, we are standing. Not for political gain or publicity, but simply because it’s the right thing to do. It is the human thing to do. It is the patriotic thing to do.”
Watermark was proud to attend this year’s reception. View our photos below, read our in-depth coverage of St Pete Pride 2023 and find out when and where you can celebrate St Pete Pride through the end of the month.
Photos by Ryan Williams-Jent.

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