Transtastic 2023. Photo by Ryan Williams-Jent.
ST. PETERSBURG | St Pete Pride welcomed supporters to the Museum of Fine Arts for Transtastic, their annual event designed to elevate transgender and nonbinary members of Tampa Bay’s LGBTQ+ community.
The evening was presented by The Fitzlane Project, which provides funding to underprivileged trans youth in Tampa Bay to help them receive affirming services. To celebrate trans joy, it featured local artists, entertainers and more, with access to the museum’s outdoor spaces and indoor galleries.
The gathering followed the majority of St Pete Pride 2023’s signature events, including the Pride Parade led by the Trans March. More than 400 people participated this year, including many of the evening’s attendees.
Watermark was on hand to help celebrate Transtastic 2023. View our photos below.
Photos by Ryan Williams-Jent.

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