Visit Florida, DeSantis address removal of LGBTQ+ content

Visit Florida CEO Dana Young (C) in Tampa Aug. 28. (Screenshot via Equality Florida/Facebook)

TAMPA | Visit Florida CEO Dana Young and Governor Ron DeSantis each addressed the removal of LGBTQ+ content from the state-backed tourism organization’s website this week.

Young read a prepared statement on the matter Aug. 28 during a board of directors meeting in Tampa, while DeSantis independently weighed in during a press conference in Polk County. Each advised that Florida is open to all despite the recent changes, made in the last four months but first reported Aug. 19.

“It’s fairly simple,” Young shared. “Visit Florida is a taxpayer-funded organization and as such, Visit Florida, our marketing strategy, our materials and our content must align with the state. Florida has always been and will continue to be a very, very welcoming state.”

Young cited “the incredible tourism numbers that we presented last week and at this board meeting” as evidence, 10 Tampa Bay reported. She added that the organization “is committed to continue that message of being welcome to everyone forward as we move through the next year and through the next many years in our partnership with the state of Florida.”

Young declined to elaborate when pressed further.

DeSantis, who has championed anti-LGBTQ+ laws throughout his two terms, told reporters he was made aware of the LGBTQ+ content’s removal “after the fact.”

“Our view as a state is we’re the best place to visit, we’re open to all, but we’re not going to be segregating people by these different characteristics,” DeSantis said. “That’s not how we’ve done business in any of the things that we’ve done and that’s just now how we’re operating.

“We have people from all walks of life who come… I’m not sure how any of that stuff started, or this; I am aware of it now, but I think nothing really changes in the fact that Florida’s gonna remain a great place to be,” he added. View video here.

The governor also mocked LGBTQ+ travel advisories issued by groups like Equality Florida last year, advising the state “has continued to set tourism records.”

Equality Florida responded to Young’s commentary Aug. 29. The organization shared video of her statement and launched a “Sunshine for All” campaign to speak out against the content’s removal by contacting Visit Florida’s board.

“Ron DeSantis is making it clear: If you’re LGBTQ, you’re not welcome in Florida,” the organization’s campaign reads. “ … [has sent] a stark message to all LGBTQ travelers: ‘Stay out.’ This isn’t just a petty move — it’s part of a calculated campaign to push LGBTQ people out of public life in Florida.”

View video of Young’s response and read more about the campaign below:

Rachel Covello, CEO of the LGBTQ+ tourism-focused OutCoast, also launched a “Return the Rainbow” petition Aug. 26. It calls for the content’s return and more.

Visit Florida has jeopardized “the Florida tourism industry’s longstanding and highly-valued relationships with its LGBTQ+ visitors, a demographic that Visit Florida itself has spent millions of taxpayer dollars developing over the last two decades,” it reads. As of Aug. 30, 869 people have signed.

Watermark has reached out to Visit Florida for additional comment and will update this story should it be received.

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