If Amendment 2 went back to the polls today, it would not pass. That's according to a Public Policy poll that asked 848 voters their opinions from June 16 â┚¬â€œ 19. 53% said they think gay marriage should continue to be illegal and only 37% wanted same sex marriage legalized. 10% said they weren't sure.
As is common in polls on the issue, there was an age gap, with half of the voters younger than 45 supporting gay marriage. According to Public Policy Polling, that indicates that it's â┚¬Å”only a matter of timeâ┚¬Â before the majority of Floridians support same sex marriage.
The good news is that the majority want some sort of recognition for committed, gay relationships. Two thirds of respondents supported gay couples having the equal legal rights associated with marriage. A third support gay marriage, 34% want civil unions and 31% are opposed to any and all legal recognition of same sex relationships. Only 1% said they were unsure about that aspect.