Wal-Mart adds gender identity protections

Wal-Mart adds gender identity protections

Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest private employer, has added gender identity and expression to employment non-discrimination policy. The retailer’s policy already included sexual orientation protections.

From the Human Rights Campaign (HRC):

â┚¬Å”What matters in the workplace is how you do your job, not your gender identity or sexual orientation,â┚¬Â said HRC President Joe Solmonese. â┚¬Å”As the nation's largest private employer, Wal-Mart shows that doing the right thing is also good for business. We urge them to continue to move forward by ensuring all of their LGBT employees receive equal benefits.â┚¬Â

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation tracks corporate workplace policies and rates companies on their treatment of LGBT employees through the Corporate Equality Index (CEI).  The CEI has helped lead a sea-change in the workplaces practices of corporate America by assessing more than 30 specific policies and practices covering nearly every aspect of employment for LGBT workers from non-discrimination protections and the training surrounding those policies to domestic partnership and legal dependent benefits to gender transition guidelines and LGBT employee resource groups. Visit our website at www.hrc.org/resources/entry/corporate-equality-index-2011 for a complete look at the survey.
Last year a record 844 American companies and law firms were rated in the CEI.

â┚¬Å”Congress needs to follow their lead and make the Employment Non-Discrimination Act the law of the land,â┚¬Â added Solmonese.

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