Anti-discrimination bill is filed

Anti-discrimination bill is filed

A Competitive Workforce bill filed in Florida’s House of Representatives would add sexual orientation and gender identity to Florida’s civil rights statues. House bill 391 was filed by Rep. Kelly Skidmore on Nov. 19.

“I am proud to be the sponsor of this very important legislation,” said Skidmore.

It is currently legal to discriminate against someone in employment, housing and public accommodations matters based on sexual orientation. The bill would allow protections for LGBTs into laws already on the books that protect people based on age, race, disability, gender and religion.

Equality Florida applauded the move.

“Florida law fails to provide statewide protection to LGBT Floridians against workplace discrimination,” said Mallory Wells, Public Policy Director for Equality Florida. “Equality Florida is working with fair-minded legislators to introduce this legislation because no one should lose their job because of who they are.”

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