Two Key West men and a dozen volunteers prepared for PrideFest by painting a massive rainbow flag on the grass-covered “Mount Trashmore,” a dormant landfill that is the highest and most visible landmass in the Florida Keys.
The flag measures approximately 125 feet by 60 feet. Landscaper John Mumford and artist Rick Worth spearheaded the project.
“I thought this would be a great way to get people into the spirit of PrideFest and promote the PrideFest events,” said Mumford, who serves on the board of the Key West Business Guild that is organizing the festival.
Mumford estimated the painting project required 87 gallons of paint in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The cost of paint and supplies was underwritten by a group of local businesses and individuals.
PrideFest events in Key West, set for June 9-13, include a “Broadway Cares” concert, champagne sunset sailing excursions, dances, parties and a grand parade.