Monday Ripples, No. 16 (A day late, again.)

Monday Ripples, No. 16 (A day late, again.)


“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” –Douglas Everett

Here I go again, giving you Monday Ripples a day late. You’re probably muttering to your computer screen that I should just start calling them Tuesday Ripples. Well, there is no need to be a smart ass, and you look a little crazy talking to your computer. Just take a breath and give me some slack for it being a holiday weekend, okay?

Hopefully these links will make it up to you. I promise we’ll be on schedule next week. You can hold me to it!

Work It, Green Works!
Green Works Facebook Page

You’re doing your best to use products that are better for the environment, but every once in a while you go to clean the toilet and wonder if that bottle you’re holding in your hand really does help. Now is your chance to ask questions to the scientists behind the Green Works products. Ask a question on their Facebook page and they will donate $1 to The Sierra Club’s efforts to clean up the Gulf Coast. (The offer applies to your first question only, so don’t try to pay for the entire BP mess by filling their wall with questions.) Your question might be selected as one the scientists answer in a video!

Thinking Inside the Box
The eBay Box

It’s funny how “innovation” can sometimes equal a “duh” and forehead slap. eBay holds an annual Innovation Expo where employees develop new products and services to help their buyers and sellers. Sounds like lots of fun to me! This year’s grand prize winner was a box – a reusable box. You see what I mean about the “duh”? Seems like eBay having a reusable box would have come up sooner. However, these folks did think this box through by using recycled materials. To make the whole thing even more interesting, the box has a place where its history can be recorded, you can find out where your box has been. A little hook to keep the not-so-green-minded interested.

TED Right
Jason Clay: How big brands can help save biodiversity

I’ve confessed my addiction to TEDTalks before. I watch them with the desperation of a crack addict. (Sorry, I had to throw a crack joke in this post as an homage to Tyler Perry. He had two crack jokes in less than five minutes in a film I watched this weekend.) This weekend is a TEDxOrlando get together, so I wanted to share a TEDTalk I came across recently, in honor.

I found Jason Clay’s TEDTalk comforting, it left me with hope. While I know there are lots of individuals, like us, who try to make a thoughtful difference in the world, I also know that there are those who can’t and, sadly, those who won’t. So to see Jason and his comrades working at biodiversity from a business angle is comforting because I think it will work. What do you think?

Oh, speaking of TEDxOrlando, you’ll catch a glimpse of its local organizers Jenny and Dave Casey during this video. When the camera turns to the audience, you’ll see an adorable, bespectacled woman who is listening intently with a curly headed man to her left – that’s them!

TEDxOrlando is Saturday, September 11, 1:30 PM at Taste, 717 W. Smith Street in College Park.


One Less Car Orlando – September 25
One Less Car Orlando Facebook Invite

Join me for an event that celebrates transportation alternatives. It just happens to fall on the first anniversary of Scottie Saves the World, so there’s lots to celebrate! The event takes place Saturday, September 25, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM at the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Community Center in Orlando. One Less Car Orlando is produced by Heidi Dog Productions and sponsored by The Daily City.

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