Tampa’s domestic partner registry gets final approval

Tampa’s domestic partner registry gets final approval

By the middle of the summer, residents of the City of Tampa will be able to register as domestic partners, thanks to a vote taken today by the Tampa City Council.

An ordinance similarly worded to one in Orlando sets in motion a domestic partnership registry for citizens of Tampa. It was approved by the council after its second reading on April 5.

“I am so very pleased to bring forth this ordinance that represents a small step in bringing dignity and equality to all,” said Yvonne Yolie Capin, the council member who proposed the registry.

The registry allows for registered domestic partnersâ┚¬â€both same-sex and opposite-sexâ┚¬â€to make critical life decisions concerning hospital visitation, medical decisions and more. The first reading of the ordinance was  unanimously approved on March 15. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn has expressed support for the ordinance, saying that the city's diversity should be celebrated and that all partners should have the dignity to make important life and death decisions for each other.

Tampa now joins Orlando, Gainesville, West Palm Beach and Key West, as well as the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, in allowing unmarried couples to register as domestic partners.

The City Clerk now has 90 days to set up the registry, which means domestic partners can begin registering sometime in mid-July.

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