Look for Watermark's upcoming Election Guide

Look for Watermark's upcoming Election Guide

As we finally come upon the 2012 Presidential Election on Nov. 6, we must also remember the long list of local races in our nearby cities and counties that directly affect our local communities.

This year’s ballot is incredibly full, and Watermark has researched the local races and researched which candidates are best suited to not only serve our respective communities, but the LGBT community as well.

Our staff has received several requests from readers asking for Watermark’s endorsements this election cycle. While we don’t do official endorsementsâ┚¬â€that is, we don’t interview each and every candidate and then decide who is best suited for the jobâ┚¬â€we do research each candidate and review questionnaires they’ve submitted to LGBT groups such as Equality Florida, the Stonewall Democrats, each county’s respective caucuses and, yes, even the Log Cabin Republicans.

Using that information, we will recommend whom is best suited for the positions in which each candidate seeks.

Many issues face Americans this year, ranging from job growth and economic concerns to the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. But we also face challenges on the local front. Domestic Partnership Registries popped up in cities and counties throughout Florida in 2012, and more could be on the way.

However, continued progress comes with ensuring that commissions and councils have LGBT-friendly members on board to approve more ordinances protecting our community. We should also be aware of law enforcement officials and other city and county elected officials and where they stand on issues pertaining to LGBT equality.

On Oct. 25, Watermark will distribute its Election Preview issue, highlighting important local races of note and a complete list of recommendations for the Nov. 6 election concerning candidates from the President of the United States to local School Board hopefuls. Of course, those recommendations will also appear on here on WatermarkOnline.com, to help guide you Nov. 6.

This election could very well be the most important one of our lives when it comes to issues of LGBT equality, and the only way to ensure a progressive future is to be well-armed and well-informed at the polls.

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