Chanting “Include our families in immigration reform,” four representatives of GetEqual disrupted a gathering of the Hillsborough County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner on May 18.
After about four minutes of chanting while holding a large rainbow flag, the four protesters were quietly escorted out of the building by a single security guard. Among the protestors was Jarrod Scarbrough, Tampa’s GetEqual organizer.
The protesters are angry at the immigration stance of Florida senator Marco Rubio, who was scheduled to speak at the annual dinner in Tampa. Rubio is part of the “Gang of 8” working to craft immigration reform legislation, but the Republican has said he will harpoon any bill that includes provisions to assist binational LGBT couples.
Rubio has long been hostile towards gay rights and many believe he could eye a run for the White House in 2016. As a Latino representative, he is seen as the Republican Party’s best attempt to reach Latino voters in mid-term elections and in 2016.
Recent polls found that 64% of Latino voters support including same-sex bi-national couples in immigration reform.
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