Want to earn some extra money at Come Out With Pride?

Want to earn some extra money at Come Out With Pride?

Orlando – Equality Florida is looking for paid canvassers to work Saturday, Oct. 5 at “Come Out With Pride” collecting petitions as part of its “Get Engaged” campaign.

Canvassers will work noon to 7 p.m. and talk to event-goers about LGBT issues and the work of Equality Florida. People will be asked to sign a petition to show their support for equality issues. A script will help canvassers with this outreach. The pay is $10/hr. All canvassers will receive a free T-shirt.

For more information on Equality Florida, go to EQFL.org. To sign up to work on Saturday, email eqflpaidcanvassing@gmail.com or call Jessica Osborn at 786-718-8555.

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