Florida Senator Marco Rubio says the government should respect the beliefs of Kim Davis, the Kentucky Clerk of Court making national headlines for refusing to issue same-sex couples marriage licences to which they are legally entitled.
“We should seek a balance between government’s responsibility to abide by the laws of our republic and allowing people to stand by their religious convictions,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement to The New York Times Sept. 2. “While the clerk’s office has a governmental duty to carry out the law, there should be a way to protect the religious freedom and conscience rights of individuals working in the office.”
Rubio also used the statement to reaffirm his stance against marriage equality:
“Marriage is the most important institution in our society, and I believe it should be between one man and one woman. Our nation was founded on the human right of religious freedom, and our elected leaders have a duty to protect that right by ensuring that no one is forced by the government to violate their conscience and deeply held religious beliefs about traditional marriage.”