Overheard in Orlando: Donna T. Rump

Nooo, Queen
Karen Walker was a hilariously funny character in a LGBT show that was before its time. Gay men especially loved her luxurious lifestyle, booze guzzling and pill popping antics. So, it’s no surprise that some gay men flock to Jacqueline Siegel, the self-proclaimed Queen of Versailles, wife of David Siegel. I’m sure you’ve seen the parade of Jackie Siegel and her entourage she refers to as her glam squad, consisting of a handful of gay men often paraded around like Pomeranians no more than just a few short feet behind her. She’s made appearances at various charity events and sometimes benefiting the LGBT community. But despite her appearances and support (?) of the community, there’s a sense of a wolf in cheap, oops we mean sheep’s, clothing. Jackie Siegel has proven herself to be a fair weather fruit fly, especially when her ex-boyfriend Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was scheduled to appear at UCF on March 5. Jackie and the rest of the Siegels were very proudly showing their true colors, taking to social media letting her “followers” know Donald has their vote, despite his vow to overturn same-sex marriages in the U.S. Even, her husband David Siegel, who a few years ago threatened to fire his employees at Westgate should Obama get re-elected (which Obama was, and David did nothing), was noted in being very proud to support the man that used to stick it to his wife. Images from the rally show Jackie and her husband a few feet behind Trump. No word if her glam squad was even allowed into the rally.

Divine intervention
The talented and unapologetic drag performer Divine Grace, who is also a hostess of Full of Grace, an online podcast, decided to push some Trump supporters buttons at the rally. She dressed up as Trump supporter in full face and hair as Donna T. Rump! On the Full of Grace Facebook page, Divine documented the process from makeup to appearance. Surprisingly enough, while at the rally, Divine was greeted by cheers from both supporters and those opposing Trump gathered outside of the UCF arena. The biggest stir seemed to stem from people trying to get a photo with Divine as Donna, just like a meet and greet at one of the local theme parks. When asked about the interactions, Divine said she was expecting to be kicked out, but was surprisingly welcomed although she never made it into the CFE Arena, just the outside area.
Get well Murff
Beloved performer Elizabeth Murff, often seen in various local productions, the Orlando Fringe and local entertainment roles at various tourist attractions, suffered a heart attack while she was performing at Sleuth’s Mystery Dinner show. She credits the quick thinking of the cast and crew for contacting the EMTs that rushed her to a local hospital. And although the situation was touch and go, Murff has assured us that she’s well on her way to the path of recovery. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope to see her strutting her stuff on stage soon.

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