Get out of my kitchen: Basket cases are people, too

Get out of my kitchen: Basket cases are people, too

poor rich white ladyFirst of all, I want to apologize for taking an extended break from writing with you. I had to take some time off after the excitement and hangovers of attending the Republican National Convention in, oh, I can’t remember where it was, but I do believe it was a good time.

It was amazing to stand in front of a room of likeminded patriots and watch the coronation of Donald J. Trump! You know who wasn’t there? Hillary Clinton. She wasn’t there. Why wasn’t she there? Because she hates American patriots. That has been made even more obvious by her recent statements calling half of Trump supporters a “basket a deplorables.” First of all, I have no idea what that means. Fortunately, I saw a commercial on television where they played the remainder of the clip. She said Trump patriots were racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobia, xenophobic, claustrophobic, dyslexic and hydrophobic. All of these horrible generalizations by Hillary Clinton are totally wrong.

First of all, I have spent several minutes around the typical Trump supporter. While some of them have a usual odor to them, they do not hate anyone, well, other than Democrats. I have not seen any racism at all in Donald Trump’s movement. There is no hate. There is actually a lot of love and pride. I have seen many people with signs showing off how proud they are of their family names. I think the White family are big supporters of Donald J. Trump. So many of them attend his rallies and hold up signs showing their pride in being a White. There is no hatred there.

Thirdly, there is no sexism either. As a female, Hillary Clinton should be treated exactly the same as any other male who sells national secrets to the Chinese in exchange for expensive pantsuits. Is there proof that this happened? That is not the issue. The issue is that many people have said that it happened, so it must be true. Actual proof is not needed if Donald Trump has heard it from many people. That is all I am saying.

There are no homophobic people in the Republican party. We love the gays. We are even OK with protecting gay people from terrorists in the same way we protect heterosexuals from terrorists. Did you hear us applaud at the convention? We believe that gays are equal to all normal people when it comes to protecting you from terrorism. Do you gays not appreciate that? Donald Trump loves the LQPTGB community. All we ask is that you not use our bathrooms, locker rooms, wedding cake shops or public pools. You can still own flower shops and hair salons.

Finally, Trump patriots do not hate people from the Middle East. We just don’t want the ones that are terrorists to come in to our nation. When it comes to Muslims, it’s not easy to tell the good ones from the bad ones. Frankly, most of them look alike. To keep our country safe, we simply must keep the ones from the bad countries out of America. To be honest, I wish they would do the same thing at the mall near my house. If someone lives in a questionable or high crime neighborhood, they should not be allowed in the mall. I think we would all feel much safer when purchasing a gold cheese grater at Crate and Barrel.

Even more finally, I am highly offended by Hillary’s use of the word “basket” in a negative fashion. “Basket” is a wonderful word, not deplorable AT ALL. I love receiving a gift basket, especially if it’s like the wine of the month club that Carly Fiorina signed me up for last Christmas. That’s right, I said Christmas, not holiday! Offended? A basket is a wonderful gift to give someone. Baskets can be filled with many things: wine, cheese, crackers, wine, cookies, wine, baked goods, lotions, wine. Only kind, good, generous people will give someone else a basket. Roger Ailes once offered to show me his basket when I was on a tour of the Fox News Studios but unfortunately I did not have time. Donald Trump is offering America a basket, but it is not filled with deplorables; it is filled with freedom, and wine.

Poor Rich White Lady is a personal imaginary friend of Orlando comedian and satirist Jeff Jones. She drinks a bit.

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