MBA Orlando introduces new board of directors

ORLANDO | The Metropolitan Business Association announced their 2018 board of directors at a reception held at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando Jan. 27.

MBA Orlando Executive Director Kellie Parkin spoke to the event’s attendees before introducing them to the board.

“I am so lucky to have this job. Our board is just made up of amazing and incredible people,” Parkin said. “We have a nice collection of large businesses, small businesses and business owners.”

MBA Orlando’s board of directors consists of President Tom Yaegers, VP of Operations Sherri Absher, VP of Development Julie DiStefano-Walker, Teasurer Cathy Keene and Secretary Michael Deeying. Parkin also announced Sergio Alvarez, Chad Brown, Vanessa Puleo, Daniel Sergi, Holly Strout and Mac Wren as the board members at large.

Yaegers took the opportunity to speak to the attendees about what the MBA has planned for 2018.

“What we want to do is to improve your businesses and make them as successful as they can be,” Yaegers said.

Yaegers announced several upcoming events for the MBA including their newly renamed monthly mixers —now called Business Connects, the MBA’s annual Supplier Diversity Summit— also known as Synergy of Equality and hosted by Orlando Health— to be held May 4 at Orlando Regional Medical Center and the MBA Pride Gala scheduled for Aug. 4. For more information visit

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