What is your favorite LGBTQ Event?
Come Out With Pride. It’s been wonderful to see our parade grow over the years to a celebration with community-wide participation.
What made you want to write for Watermark?
I picked up the first issue of Watermark on Rollins’ campus. It was an important moment for me and I knew Watermark would be revolutionary for Orlando.
What is your favorite thing about writing for Watermark?
When someone mentions reading something I wrote.
What is your favorite thing about the local LGBTQ community?
When we dance.
What would you like to see improved in the LGBTQ community?
Its capacity for forgiveness.
When did you develop a passion for writing?
It was in fifth grade while living in Panama, Central America. For some reason I started writing plays. I would use Mom’s stationary. Then I would give them to my teacher, Wanda Fanning, who encouraged me.
How did you come up with the name for your column?
The “tender” comes from something my godmother said to describe me one time. The name conveys my reluctance to speak up, but the urge to do it anyway, which I think is common in activists.
What do you like writing about the most?
People and things that are making the world a better place.
What do you want Watermark readers to know about you?
I’ve lost weight since this picture was taken.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t fuck that model from Miami.
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