Tyler Posey comes out as sexually fluid, credits girlfriend for helping him realize he’s queer

Tyler Posey speaking at San Diego Comic Con. (Photo by Gage Skidmore, from Flickr)

In a recent interview with NME magazine, Tyler Posey revealed that his girlfriend Phem has helped him realize he is queer and sexually fluid.

The “Teen Wolf” star said that his girlfriend has been his biggest supporter since they started dating in February. The 29-year-old also said that it’s the “best relationship” he’s ever been in.

“[Phem] helped me realize that I fit under the queer umbrella and that I’m sexually fluid, I guess,” Posey told NME magazine, quickly correcting himself, “No, not ‘I guess,’ I don’t want anyone to take this [interview] and be like: ‘Well, he was kind of wishy-washy about it.’”

Back in October of 2020, Posey opened an OnlyFans account and was accused of “gay-baiting” for doing so. The up-and-coming platform is where the actor first came out as sexually fluid.

“Someone asked if I’d been with men, and I said yes,” he shared. “Since then there’s been this really loud person online — I’m pretty sure it’s only one person — and they’re trying to call me a ‘gay-baiter’: pretending to be gay to get money, essentially,” Posey said.

Haters have been “really cruel,” as Posey puts it, especially after one commented on his social media post directing a message at his mother, who passed away in December 2014 from to breast cancer.

“And [the troll] made this one comment that kind of sparked me wanting to do something about cyberbullying. They said: ‘I killed your mother’—like, this person actually claimed they killed my mother,” he said.

Posey announced July 4 that he had raised $24,000 through his OnlyFans during the month of June which he would be using to fight bullying and cyberbullying.

“We raised over $24K for the month of June! I love you guys thank you so much for the contributions. I’m going to use this for only good and spreading awareness for bullying and cyber bullying. I want a positive safe world for all of us no matter who you are. You guys are helping make this world a better place, you all deserve to have a beautiful life. Thank you so much for helping,” Posey wrote on his OnlyFans.

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