Watermark’s Wedding Bells: Daniel Sergi and Chris Brown

(Photo by Sterling Photography)

Daniel Sergi and Chris Brown didn’t know what was in store for them almost 10 years ago when they connected online on Manhunt.

“Neither one of us was really looking for a relationship, but God had a different plan for both of us,” Daniel says.

They decided to meet up in person for the first time at SAVOY Orlando, where they immediately hit it off.

After dating for about a month, Daniel felt it was the right time to introduce Chris to his daughter. The two have been going strong ever since.

When they first met, Chris was the operations manager for a logistics company and Daniel was the vice president and branch manager for a bank. In 2014, both got laid off in the same six-month period.

That was when they decided to take a leap of faith and make their partnership not just a romantic one, but a business one.

“After months of soul searching, researching and praying, we started our own business together with Chris’ brother, CDW Electrical Services, Inc.” Daniel says. “We are now in our seventh year and still growing!”

Three years later, at a birthday party for Daniel at a friend’s house, Chris proposed. Almost a decade after they first met, they got married at Celebration Gardens in Winter Park.

The wedding was held on March 14, 2020, only days before the COVID-19 pandemic caused most of the world to shut down.

“It was so wonderful to have almost all of our family and friends there,” Daniel says. “Unfortunately, with the pandemic starting to really take off, some of my immediate family (my parents, cousins, our ring bearer) were not able to attend due to health issues and they were concerned.”

Luckily, the family and friends in attendance were able to FaceTime with everyone who had to stay home, so they were still able to see the wedding virtually.

“Who knew that was the beginning of our future meetings?” Daniel says.

Daniel’s daughter was his maid of honor. One of the most special moments of the entire day for him was at the reception, when his daughter sang “Daddy’s Girl” by 1GN instead of a traditional toast.

“There was not a dry eye anywhere,” Daniel says.

Chris and Daniel are close friends with the owner of SAVOY, so he hosted an afterparty for the couple after their reception. This party was for all of their friends who couldn’t come to the wedding.

“We saw friends that we had not seen in years,” Daniel says. “Little did we know that was going to be the last time for quite a while that we would dance and be able to go to a bar.”

The couple danced the night away, making the most of being able to be around many of their closest loved ones.

Today, Chris and Daniel’s business continues to thrive. Just a few weeks ago, the two purchased their first home together.

Engagement Date: April 28, 2017

Wedding Date: March 13, 2020

Officiant: Peg Prikosovich

Venue: Celebration Gardens

Colors: Turquoise & Navy Blue

Wedding Song/Artist: “Breathe Gentle (Indietro)” by Tiziano Ferro w/ Kelly Rowland

Florist: Atmospheres

Caterer: John Michael Events

Cake Flavors: Yellow cake with Amaretto filling

Bakery: CakeDog – Brian Carboy

Photographer/Videographer: Sterling Photography & Sugar Pop Films

DJ/Entertainment: Power Entertainment – Steve Weinstein

Do you have an interesting wedding or engagement story you’d like to share with Watermark readers? If so, email the details to Editor@WatermarkOnline.com for consideration as a future feature on this page.

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