Orlando gets a new sisterhood

Orlando gets a new sisterhood

Orlando could get its own chapter of Our Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a worldwide order of gender-bending nuns dedicated to charity, activism and social outreach. The aspiring group made its debut – called “manifesting” – at Parliament house on Nov. 14.

The group originated in San Francisco in 1979 and is still going strong with chapters all around the country. Each sister takes a vow to “expiate stigmatic guilt and promulgate universal joy,” indicating a focus on fund raising, social awareness and of course, some theatrics.

Logan Donahoo is the de facto leader of Orlando’s group, which currently has about eight members. He said their manifestation was well-received.

“There were a few dumbfounded looks and a little shock value, but that was really in the minority and only a handful didn’t know what to make of it,” Donahoo said. “Almost everyone else was pleased, amused or happily inquisitive and it was a warmly-received event.”

When he’s in his nun’s garb, Donahoo’s name is “Novice Sister Ambrosia.” The “novice” label is because Orlando’s chapter has a few steps to take before being recognized by the larger group.

“The San Francisco chapter is strict about not using the name until we’re an official chapter and we’re not there quite yet,” he said. “We have to file for 501©3 status and they want to see an aspiring group committed to doing good in town.”

Of course, a fledgling chapter is interested in new members.

“A lot of people volunteer, but being a Sister is a much heavier commitment, especially when starting a chapter and you’re involved in steering the group,” Donahoo said.

He said they’re looking for people with a spiritual connection to charity work, a strong sense of commitment and the ability to not take themselves to seriously.

“You can’t be grim while wearing clown whites [makeup] and a nun’s habit,” he said. “There’s a weird trans stigma in our town, but things are more varied now. If this is a good fit for someone, we’d love to talk more.”

To contact the Sisters email info@orlandosisters.org.

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