?Gypsy? is wandering no more

?Gypsy? is wandering no more

Gypsy is back. The popular alternative theater group that has been on hiatus since the holiday season has a full season planned and a new theater space to call home.

According to Artistic Director and Gypsy Productions founder Trevor Keller, the LGBT professional theater company will open inside the L-Train Theater at 900 Central Ave., Suite 25B.

GypsyKeller_380074010.jpg“I had to get out of the mindset of what I envisioned for Gypsy,” Keller said. “Bigger is not always better. It’s not about size but substance. We now have a regular home and that’s a blessing.”

Admittedly, the 42-seat theater space within the L-Train, formerly called the Pink Pelican, is limited. But Keller said he’s not worried because he wants to put on more intimate plays—and there are plenty of them out there.

“Most of our productions will have one to six actors here, “Keller said. “And as I research alternative plays that are our there, many of them are perfect for that size cast. Anything we want to do that’s larger, we’ll rent a different venue. But this will be home.”

L-Train owner Laura Cipriani is excited about the partnership and said she’s wanted something permanent to attract customers and the community ever since the movie-house theme didn’t pan out earlier in the year.

“I’ve done drag shows, karaoke and we have pool,” Cipriani said. “But I am so impressed with the history of Gypsy that I think this partnership is a win-win.”

Shows are expected to run Thursdays through Sundays and The L-Train will operate as a beer and wine bar the rest of the week, except Mondays. Food is also available at the venue located within the same complex as Anytime Fitness between Central Avenue and First Avenue South on Martin Luther King Blvd.

Ironically, the day before Keller and Cipriani met, Keller had decided to shut down Gypsy Productions all together, sighting the lack of a theater as the main reason for doing so.

“I told [Gypsy Business Manager and partner] Daryl [Epperly] that it was just time to say goodbye,” Keller said. “I told him that all the signs said that we had a good run and it went beyond my expectations but I was so tired of fighting to keep it alive. The next day the phone rang and here we are.”

To kick off its return, Gypsy Productions will present the play An Evening With Mr. Johnson: It’s Even Harder Being a Gay Dick beginning Sept. 24. The play, penned by local playwright Michael Mateo, will star Gypsy regular Daniel Harris and two other actors, who have yet to be cast.

“After we open with Mr. Johnson, we’ll have a full season to present,” Keller said. “I’m very excited and can’t thank our long time supporters enough. They are the reason why Gypsy Productions is here and they are the reasons why I’ve always fought for this company. It’s going to be great to be back.”

Gypsy Productions’ website will be relaunched soon with upcoming show information. For information on the L-Train, visit TheLTrain.com.

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