Win a Hit & Miss prize package!

Win a Hit & Miss prize package!

Watermark is giving away 3 DIRECTV Hit & Miss prize packs!

Hit & Miss, from Paul Abbott, creator of Shameless and State of Play, is the highly anticipated new series that follows Chloë Sevingy as Mia, a contract killer with a secret: she’s a transgender woman.

Mia’s life is sent into a tailspin when she receives a letter from an ex-girlfriend dying from cancer revealing that Mia fathered a son eleven years ago. Faced with a difficult decision, Mia becomes the guardian to a new family forcing her to mix her killer instincts with her newly maternal instincts. Hit & Miss tells the story of a lethal killer at the heart of a troubled family and how all of their lives will be dramatically changed forever.

Watch an advanced screening now at and tune-in to the premiere of Hit & Miss on July 11 at 10pm on AUDIENCE Network â┚¬â€œ Ch 239. Only on DIRECTV!
@directv #HITANDMISS

The DIRECTV Hit & Miss prize pack includes a Hit & Miss t-shirt, Chloë Sevigny face mask hand fan, DIRECTV $120 savings card for new service, “cable sucks” lollipop, and Damages: Season 3 on DVD

It’s easy to enter. Just comment below and tell us if you were a contract killer, what would be your weapon of choice?

We’ll choose three winners at random 5 p.m. July 10. Multiple comments will be deleted.

Happy commenting and good luck!

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