The Three Pussy Riot Sisters

The Three Pussy Riot Sisters

Some Fringe shows are funny, others are sentimental, and some are just bizarre. The Three Pussy Riot Sisters is singularly infuriating”but in a really good way.  Cleverly referencing the isolation and decay of society found in Chekov’s “Three Sisters,” writer David Karl Lee takes eloquent, verbatim testimony from the closing statements made by Nadya, Masha and Katya-members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot-at their farcical trial for “hooliganism” and intersperses it with multi-media interviews, news reports and punk rock videos to illuminate the despicable, blood-boiling injustice that has been unfairly served upon these three women.

Actors Sarah Matthews, Courtney Moors and Sarah Hankins brilliantly tackle the monumental task of bringing life to the masterfully crafted text, from donning balaclavas and invoking Pussy Riot’s eerily prescient lyrics to recreating unavoidably humorous interviews with GQ and Christiane Amanpour.  

With its feminist political bent and passionate presentation, The Three Pussy Riot Sisters illuminates Pussy Riot’s battle for individual freedom despite their persecution under Russia’s detestable reversion to Soviet-style repression.

Have you seen The Three Pussy Riot Sisters? Comment and let us know what you think!

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