Dan Savage raises $100K with ‘Impeach the Mother F**ker Already’ gear

Dan Savage has donated $100,000 to organizations threatened by the Trump administration with funds from the sale of ITMFA, an acronym for “Impeach The Mother F*cker Already,” merchandise.

The LGBT author and activist chose Planned Parenthood, American Civil Liberties Union and International Refugee Assistance Project as the recipients. Buttons, T-shirts, hats, stickers, coffee cups, and lapel pins emblazoned with “ITMFA” are all on sale.

In an Instagram post, Savage announced he was mailing checks to the organizations. He went on that one of the best parts of wearing the merchandise is explaining what “ITMFA” stands for.

“The interactions you have with friends, co-workers, neighbors, at anti-Trump marches, on the bus, etc. Because when people are going to ask you what ITMFA stands for and YOU GET TO TELL THEM it stands for ‘Impeach The Mother Fucker Already!” (If there are kids around you can go with “Malicious Fascist” or “Malodorous Fart” or “Malignant Fraud.”),” Savage writes.

Savage encourages people to post themselves wearing ITMFA gear on social media with the hashtag “ITMFA” to spread the word. He hopes to raise an additional $100,000.


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