Disneyland Paris has apologized for banning three-year-old Noah McLean-Glass from participating in its “Princess for a Day” experience.
His mother Hayley, from Devon, England, says Noah’s favorite Disney character is Elsa from “Frozen.” For an early Christmas present, she decided to take him to Disneyland Paris for a princess makeover as part of the theme park’s “Princess for a Day” program.
“I knew that there would be NOTHING he’d love more than to get to wear a pretty dress, put makeup on like mummy does, and have his photo taken being one of his beloved Disney Princesses,” Hayley writes on her mommy blog, Sparkles & Stretchmarks.
She emailed her request to the theme park and was told, “At this time it is not possible to book Princess for a Day for a boy.”
“I was so angry, I literally couldn’t stop shaking for half an hour afterwards,” Hayley told ITV. “I was just so shocked. I mean, I’m his mother and if I’m okay with him doing it, who are Disney to tell me that he can’t do that?”
Disneyland Paris issued an apology and says that it was “an isolated incident.”
“The cast member’s response is not reflective of any policy or belief held here at Disneyland Paris. Of course, both boys and girls are welcome to enjoy the ‘Princess For a Day’ experience, in addition to all our other special activities,” the statement reads.
(Screenshot via NBC News.)