Remarkable People 2021: State Sen. Linda Stewart

My good friend, mentor and political partner always fights for LGBTQ rights and environmental issues. Sen. Stewart has been one of our strongest allies since she was an Orange County commissioner, state representative and now going for her second term as state senator.

Last year Sen. Stewart was able to appropriate $750,000 for the Zebra Coalition, an organization that helps youth with housing and support services, and $150,000 for the LGBT+ Center, which offers free HIV testing and other services, including a senior support group. Although approved in the budget, Gov. Ron DeSantis used his pen to veto the funding that helps our local organizations. However, Sen. Stewart never gives up and will ask for the funding again this year! As a result, there seems to be some reassurances that we will see the funds this year.

Sen. Stewart has requested an “Orlando United” license plate to be issued by the State of Florida to directly help One Pulse Foundation and the LGBT+ Center with funding from the sale of the plates. Additionally, Sen. Stewart was awarded the LGBT+ Center Ally Award that I was honored to accept earlier this year on her behalf.

Sen. Stewart is a champion for women’s rights, passing two laws that, in cases of rape, help the victims. Donna’s Law removes the statute of limitations for young women under the age of 18 and the other law allows the victim to trace the status of a rape kit.

Sen. Stewart is vice-chair of the Environmental Committee in Tallahassee and her efforts to preserve and protect Florida’s natural resources are unparalleled in the senate. Working to protect the manatees is a top concern for Sen. Stewart. We have lost more than 1,000 manatees due to starvation. Sen. Stewart is trying to prevent any more losses by working with federal and state departments to develop an emergency feeding program.

This week she will continue her holiday tradition of baking homemade rum cakes for all the firefighters in her district.

I am proud of everything you do for our community. I have learned so much from you over the years. Thank you for fighting for us now and in the upcoming legislative session.

To view the full list of Watermark’s Remarkable People of 2021, click here.

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