PHOTOS: Pinellas orgs Rally for Minority Rights

ST. PETERSBURG | The Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County and Pinellas County Young Democrats welcomed likeminded organizations and supporters to North Straub Park April 16 to rally for LGBTQ+ and other minority rights.

“We must fight back against the harmful bills being pushed out by the Florida State Legislature that target minority communities,” the groups shared ahead of time. The Rally for Minority Rights was organized to speak out against Tallahassee’s attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, women, Black, brown and Asian Americans and other marginalized groups.

The afternoon began with a welcome and call to action from Stonewall Dems President Rick Boylan, facilitation from Vice President Christian Hotchkiss and additional remarks from PCYD President Blaine Lawson.

“Right now we have a governor who is following, essentially, the Putin playbook as a way to make headlines and to support his campaign for president,” Boylan shared. Gov. Ron DeSantis has long been rumored to announce a 2024 run.

“Our Republican-controlled legislature is complicit in supporting him and those actions and we need to speak out every chance we can to say that it is wrong, that it is not what we believe in as Floridians and they are way far out of touch with what voters think,” he continued. “Thank you for being here today to be a part of that voice.”

Lawson echoed his colleague.

“I’m just really glad that each and every one of you is here,” he began. “If you are here, it means that you already understand the threat that we face here in Florida. You understand that our governor is pursuing a fascist agenda, using minorities as tools to fuel rage and hatred.

“Our governor and the Republican legislature want us to be afraid,” he continued. “They want us to be too scared to move and they want us to be quiet. I’m looking within myself and I’m looking around at all of you and I have hope. We are trans, gay, Black, Jewish, Hispanic. We are women. We are mothers, parents, siblings — individually we have power and together we are a force.”

Lawson also called on those assembled to join organizations to fight back, supporting groups like the Stonewall Dems, PCYD and others which support equity and equality. “We’re going to win,” he added.

Hotchkiss subsequently welcomed more speakers, beginning with Pinellas School Board Member Caprice Edmond.

“We are in the middle of lawfare,” she said. “Lawfare with a governor and legislators who are clear about what their agenda is — and as you know, concerns regarding books, curriculum, diversity, equity and inclusion, all of that has become a tagline and topic of discussion here in Pinellas County, throughout the state and throughout the nation. But what I’d like to tell you today is to remain engaged, stay encouraged … it’s extremely important to remain an advocate for all people.”

Edmond was followed by Teaching for the Culture Founder Bianca Goolsby, also the spouse of state Rep. Michele Rayner. The activist called her “the real champion” and delivered a message on her behalf.

“Stay encouraged, stay mobilized, stay organized and stay true to your values,” Goolsby said. “This culture war that is happening in Tallahassee is not by accident, it is not by mistake. It’s intentional and each person that’s here — and the people that might not be here physically with us — they matter. They are special, they are valuable and I don’t want you to think anything other than that.”

Rayner “is working hard along with the fellow Democrats to protect you, to protect your rights, to make sure that you are seen, that you are valid, that you are loved,” she continued. “Most importantly, we’re all human.”

Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus President Nathan Bruemmer spoke next, outlining recent attacks facing every Floridian. He reiterated the need for voting but stressed the importance of personal conversations with friends and family ahead of each election.

“You are all here because you are with us,” he said. “There are harder conversations that need to be had in rooms all over this state, all over this country, and they will be hard. They will challenge you and they may exhaust you … but keep having those conversations, because they will change hearts and minds.”

Beth and Sam VanMiddlesworth followed, outlining their personal experiences as a family. Their section concluded with Sam’s well-received original song “Trans Rights.” Community organizer May Thatch, Pinellas Democratic Hispanic Caucus President Marissa Sagundo and educator Natashia Milburn followed, sharing their own stories and calls to action.

Ericka PC and Lilith Black spoke next, two of the region’s organizers for Drag 2 Talle. The initiative is raising funds across the state to send drag performers to Tallahassee.

“We have Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Fort Myers. Tampa, St. Pete, Lakeland,” PC shared. “There are a lot of different cities and we’re all binding together to take buses up there to march at the Capitol in drag.”

Those efforts were bolstered by Equality Florida the day prior during a Tampa rally. Black detailed some of that while sharing that Drag 2 Talle organizers will continue their work throughout the year, determined to unseat anti-LGBTQ+ politicians throughout the state.

“We are partnering with Pumped2Vote and going county to county,” they shared. “Every single one of these districts that has someone who is sitting up there oppressing us will be addressed and will be flipped, because we cannot continue to live in a state where people who are against us … are making decisions for everybody.”

Florida High School Democrats Chair Tyler Williams, Pinellas Democratic Party Director of Outreach Johnny Boykins and fellow activist and drag performer Bak Lava also spoke. Boykins stressed that “the legislature is distracting us with culture wars.”

“Decisions are made by those who show up,” he noted. “Republicans are showing up, they’re talking to their people, we need to do the same. They don’t own freedom, we do.”

Hotchkiss closed, urging attendees to contact their representatives, participate in local elections and organizations as well as urge others to do the same. Lawson then led the crowd in a march across the park.

Watermark was among the rally’s attendees. View our photos below and learn more about the Stonewall Dems and PCYD at and

Photos by Ryan Williams-Jent.

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