PHOTOS: St. Pete raises Pride flag for 11th year

ST. PETERSBURG | St Pete Pride and supporters from throughout Tampa Bay gathered May 31 at St. Petersburg City Hall, raising the Pride flag above the local landmark for the 11th year in a row.

The ceremony began with an introduction from St. Petersburg City Council Chair Deborah Figgs-Sanders, who was flanked by the majority of the governing body, St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch and other elected officials. She noted “the impact of the LGBTQ community on our history, nationally, internationally and right here at home is undeniable.”

“So while some may choose not to illuminate the Skyway Bridge, and tried not to have the wrap on our buses, there will still be enough light, laughter and love … to light up the sky,” she continued. “Please join me in encouraging the greater acceptance and support for all, as refreshing and as beautiful as a rainbow. The pride that we have here all year long is strong — because yes, we are St. Pete.”

State Rep. Lindsay Cross spoke next, reflecting on the city’s “commitment to inclusivity” that stands “in stark contrast to the attempts at the state level to stifle our celebrations and to dim the light of beautiful members of our community.”

The representative subsequently highlighted anti-LGBTQ+ legislation supported by the state’s Republican supermajority — including attempts to ban Pride flag raisings at government facilities — measures she opposed in Tallahassee.

“Bills like the flag ban, the Don’t Say LGBTQ+ expansion bill, the anti-trans bathroom bill, the gender-affirming care ban are meant to divide us and put us against each other,” Cross noted. “But that is not who we are in St. Pete … I look forward to walking with you all in the Pride parade, joining everyone at St Pete Pride events and most importantly continuing to celebrate Pride each and every day of the year.”

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor followed Cross, highlighting her fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights in D.C. She promised to pass the Equality Act and more should Democrats regain control of the U.S. House in November and praised Welch for his commitment to equality locally.

“He is an incredible leader who we can all be proud of,” Castor introduced him. “He believes in bringing people together and making progress for everyone.”

Welch began his remarks by noting “it’s been a challenging year since we last raised the flag for Pride month, but we have persevered.” The mayor noted he was proud to “stand together today to celebrate our progress, our principles and who we are as a community” before reading a proclamation declaring June as Pride month in St. Petersburg.

“When we say ‘we are St. Pete’ we mean everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,” Welch addressed the crowd. “Our diversity is our strength and together we make St. Pete the vibrant and uplifting community that it is … I’m honored to stand with you all to raise the Pride flag in support of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors and family members.

“As Martin Luther King Jr. said so profoundly, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” he continued. “His words remind us that the fight for true equality and equity is far from over, but we are committed to standing with you on this journey.”

St Pete Pride Executive Director Nicole Berman closed the ceremony, thanking the city, St Pete Pride board, their newly crowned Royal Court and the organization’s community partners for their support. She called St Pete Pride “not just a celebration, but a beacon of hope and resilience.”

“When you attend St Pete Pride you are not only remembering our history and celebrating our community, you are making a statement that we are in this together,” Berman said. “That we stand in solidarity with our Black, brown, Indigenous and trans siblings. That pride — especially in St. Pete — is a visible reminder that we are all welcome here.”

LGBTQ+ advocates subsequently raised the flag, looking toward St Pete Pride’s 22nd season. Events continue with the Pride Month Kick-Off Block Party June 1 in the Grand Central District and continue all month long.

View video of the ceremony below via the city and read more from the mayor below:

Watermark was proud to attend this year’s flag raising. View our photos here and read more about this year’s St Pete Pride at, in the next issue of Watermark and in the official St Pete Pride Guide.

Photos by Chloe Wagner, Ryan Williams-Jent.

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