Unapologetically Me: Building peace

As individuals, each of us brings something unique and special to the world, one which often demands conformity and perfection.

Discovering inner peace becomes a transformative endeavor, and choosing peace and embracing authenticity is essential for a fulfilling life. This means accepting yourself for who you truly are and letting go of the need to conform to societal expectations.

By prioritizing peace, we allow ourselves to live authentically and unapologetically. Remember, the path to freedom, fulfillment and joy lies in embracing your true self. Each time you stand firm in your authenticity, you move closer to what truly belongs in your life.

After leaving the public education system in 2019, I vowed to start #TakingMyLifeBack. For many years, I hid behind a mask to conceal my pain and allow me to pretend. But I grew weary of hiding my struggles and of bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders. One day I made an intentional decision to reclaim my life. I allowed myself to be seen, heard and vulnerable. I pledged to uphold three fundamental principles: accountability, transparency and integrity.

These keys have empowered me to embrace my true self and prioritize peace. Life will continue to life, and people will continue to be people. What sets us apart is our choice in how we live. It’s time to take control and harness the power of P.E.A.C.E.

P: Prioritize your needs. Amidst the chaos pulling us in every direction, prioritizing your needs is essential. Take the time to understand your wants, needs and desires. Set boundaries, say no when necessary and make yourself a priority. By doing so, you invite peace into your life in its purest form. This isn’t selfish; it’s self-care. When you put yourself first and attend to your own needs, you recharge your internal batteries, enabling you to give more to others — and most importantly, to yourself.

After my open-heart surgery, I had to be more intentional in prioritizing my health. I learned that without taking care of myself and my needs, I couldn’t fully be at peace. Whether by dedicating time to your hobbies and passions, or by simply declining activities that drain you, always remember to prioritize yourself.

E: Empower your voice. In a world that stifles individuality, expressing your thoughts and feelings with confidence and integrity is essential. It is an act of courage and authenticity, crucial to attaining inner peace.

Recognize the profound worth of your thoughts and feelings and express them with clarity and assurance. Doing so honors your authentic self and inspires others to do the same. Your voice reflects your unique experiences and perspectives. Don’t let fear or doubt silence you — your words possess the power to heal, connect and spark change. Embrace your inner courage, speak your truth boldly and let your voice resonate with strength and conviction. By reclaiming your power, you illuminate the path for others.

A: Accept your journey. Every individual’s journey is unique. Embrace your own path, with all its ups and downs. Recognize that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life and allow yourself to grow from them. Embrace your imperfections and treat yourself with kindness.

As someone who has faced numerous challenges, I understand the importance of maintaining a positive internal dialogue about our journeys. We are often our harshest critics and it’s crucial to show ourselves the same compassion and understanding that we would give to others.

Whether through positive self-talk or taking a needed break, practicing self-compassion helps us stay true to ourselves. Your journey is worth celebrating every step of the way.

C: Cultivate positive habits & relationships. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire and support you. Build healthy relationships that bring out the best in you. Conducting a village audit can help identify those who positively influence your life and what relationships are no longer in alignment. Similarly, take time to reflect on your habits and make an effort to cultivate positive ones that align with your values and goals.

The routines I’ve adopted help me stay present and grounded. By reducing my screen time, I can dedicate more energy to journaling, meditating and exercising. Prioritizing positive habits and relationships lays a solid foundation for cultivating inner peace.

E: Embrace change. Life is a journey full of twists and turns. Embracing change allows us to adapt, learn and evolve. I remember struggling with major changes in my life, often resisting them out of fear of the unknown. But over time, I discovered that change brought new opportunities and enhanced my quality of life. It expanded my perspective, led me to try new things and taught me more about myself. Trust in yourself and your ability to adapt. Remember, change is the only constant in life and it’s up to us to embrace it and thrive.

As you continue your journey towards peace, know that every step you take matters. Together, we can create a world where authenticity is celebrated, compassion is abundant and peace prevails over everything. Keep going, keep growing, and may your path be filled with love, joy and inner peace. Take a moment to breathe, center yourself and remember that you have the power within you to create your own peace.

Shine your light and inspire others to do the same! The world needs more of your authentic self — so let it shine brightly for all to see. Here’s to living a life filled with P.E.A.C.E.! I love you!

Bianca Goolsby, MBA is a digital strategist and activist who partners with mission-driven organizations and empowers families to curate safe social spaces.

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