Watermark’s 30th Anniversary: Samantha Lena Welch (Rosenthal)

Editorial Assistant, 2014-2015

I remember seeing the ad on the Society of Professional Journalists Facebook page and Craigslist: a local LGBTQ+ newsmagazine was looking for a part-time editorial assistant. As a senior UCF journalism student who was graduating later that year, I thought that would be a perfect opportunity for both work and writing experience. I had seen and read issues of Watermark on campus before, so I was very excited when I ended up getting the job. I thought how this was such a unique and fortunate experience for a green journalist like myself who was still figuring out how to use an Oxford comma.

Little did I know, this would not just be my first journalism job, but it would be an incredible experience that would shape me as a writer and leave an impact on me as a person.

From memorable stories I wrote like interviewing the first legally married same-sex couples in Central Florida to my first cover story about the intersectionality between the Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities for Hispanic Heritage Month, Watermark became a safe place for me to find my voice, make mistakes and grow as a journalist. Both Jamie Hyman and Steve Blanchard always encouraged me to contribute, but they also made sure I learned the basics along the way as well. I got to see change being advocated for every day through the newsmagazine we put out, along with the staff of people who put their all into each issue. That kind of passion and advocacy encouraged me to want to learn how to be a better writer and, even more so, a better ally to this wonderful community.

During my time at Watermark, I got to interview “Glee” star Alex Newell, former WFTV Channel 9 anchor Jorge Estevez and countless couples with the creation of Watermark’s Wedding Bells column. One of my favorite articles was a cover story that I collaborated on with then-Editor-in-Chief Steve Blanchard that highlighted the history and culture behind the leather community. I also made friendships that remain with me to this day, including one of my most incredible friends, current Director of Sales Danny Garcia, who I’m still close with and was the officiant at my wedding last year.

I remember going to the 20th anniversary party when I was working there and seeing the Central Florida community celebrate the newsmagazine, and I felt so honored to be a part of something special even as just an editorial assistant.

Now getting to reflect 10 years later as Watermark celebrates its 30th anniversary, I still feel so honored to know that Watermark is what started it all for me as a storyteller, paving and shaping the path for me as a writer. Learning the fundamentals of journalism and writing are important, but Watermark taught me it is equally important to find your voice and use it to tell stories that impact those around you.

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